Monday, March 18, 2013


Hey guys!!

     This is my very first blog, hence the title, virgin. I'll be posting things about my life, but mostly about hair and makeup. I recently made the big chop (02.04.13) and went au naturale. I'm finding that I love my natural hair way more than my relaxed. Maybe because I put so much time and effort into tending for my natural hair; it's like my baby. I'm finding what my hair does and doesn't like, which is in turn, turning me into a product junkie. So I'll be doing alot of product reviews and whatnot.
     I'm a YouTube fanatic and that's what really got me into hair and makeup. I watch alot of videos about natural hair and they tend to help me alot since I've been on this natural journey, so I figured why not help others?! What better way than to create a blog?! I also figured that it would also help me track my progress.
     In my spare time, I also LOVE doing makeup. I consider it to be my artistry. Soooo, I'll also be posting about my makeup, events that I've been doing, products, etc. I would absolutely love to work at the MAC store one day, so hopefully this will help get me there.
    Well, that's all for now. I'm running out of words and my fingers are getting tired.



  1. Congrat Kym on starting you blog
    I will be reading your post.

  2. Hello Kym, Love reading your blog. Cudos to you !!!!.
